Global Affairs Canada’s International Assistance Review announced a public review and consultations to renew Canada’s international assistance policy and funding framework in 2016 to support the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. The consultation process engaged a wide range of Canadians and international partners, including Canadian NGOs, donor and partner governments, youth, people in developing countries, and experts in the field of international assistance with over 15,000 people and partners engaged in the consultations, resulting in more than 10,600 written contributions. The discussion Paper released following the consultation highlights the importance of empowering women and girls and promoting their equal rights, as well as recognizing their autonomy and agency. GAC received strong recommendations regarding the need to scale up Canada’s engagement in advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, while building on key interventions to improve the health of women, children and newborns. GAC plans to release its new International Assistance Policy for Canada this Winter and start implementation in Spring 2017.